Data Conversion

  • We can convert data from 9 track tape (800, 1600, or 6250) or cartridge (3480, 3490, 3490e) to CD ROM, DVD or e-mail.
  • Typical 9 track conversion costs $30 per tape plus return shipping.
  • Typical 3480,3490,3490e conversion costs $45 per cartridge plus shipping.
  • Additional processing such as dBase output, packed fields, manipulating fields, etc. are at additional cost.
  • If you have old 9 track tapes that have high moisture content and are sticky and difficult to read, we offer a precision baking service which will gently heat the 9 track tapes under precise conditions to remove excess moisture from the tape substrate. This allows the tapes to be easily read.
  • Shipping charges for returning tapes or carts by FedEx, DHL, or UPS are extra.

Some of our typical conversion jobs:

  • Convert data for a power utility.
  • Convert billing data from a telecom switch.
  • Convert old programs for a college.
  • Convert medical data for an insurance company.
  • Convert tapes containing printed form data.
  • Convert driver license data.
  • Erasing LTO tapes using a special machine which keeps the servo tracks on the tape. Simply degaussing LTO tapes removes the servo tracks rendering the tapes useless.
magnetic tape conversion

We can convert your data from magnetic tape to DVD. We are ready to take on your project.